Greene County-Missouri-Free Food pantries /Food Banks
- Listed: August 7, 2018 12:07 am
- Expires: 97619 days, 23 hours
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Free Food pantries /Food Banks
Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.
Ozarks Food Harvest
Address is 2810 North Cedarbrook Avenue
Springfield, MO 65803
(417) 865-3411
They partner with other non-profits and provide referrals. Families can learn about brown bag meals for seniors, SNAP food stamp applications, USDA food, summer snacks and much more.
Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Education
Location is 440 East Tampa
Springfield, MO 65806
Phone: (417) 851-1581
Vouchers from WIC can be used for formula. Women from Greene County can also enroll into education services.
Salvation Army Springfield
1707 West Chestnut Expressway
Springfield, Missouri 65802
(417) 862-5509
Thrift stores and a food pantry are on site. Financial aid, such as for rent or cooling bills, are also offered along with Christmas meals, gifts and home delivery services.
1710 East Chestnut Expressway
Springfield, MO 65802
Telephone – (417) 869-0563
Assistance for low income families and the working poor include baby formula, diapers, clothing, and emergency boxes of groceries.
Victory Mission Family Ministries Office
1715 North Boonville – Second Floor
Springfield, MO 65803
For hours, dial (417) 864-2219
Hand Extended Outreach
2157 North Prospect Avenue
Springfield, MO 65803
(417) 848-5433
An emergency food pantry is at this Greene County charity.
Family Support Division in Greene County
101 Park Central Square
Springfield, MO 65806
Phone: (417) 895-6000
They process applications for benefits. They include Food Stamps/SNAP Applications, TANF, free school lunches for students, housing, and more.
Hand Extended Outreach
Location is 2157 North Prospect Avenue
Springfield, MO 65803
Phone – (417) 848-5433
Humane Society Of Southwest Missouri
3161 West Norton Road
Springfield, Missouri 65803
(417) 833-2526
They may have pet food and other items for very low income families with pets.
Care to Learn
411 North Sherman Parkway
Springfield, Missouri 65802
(417) 862-7771
An emergency pantry is available.
Springfield Victory Mission
Main address of food bank is 1715 North Boonville
Springfield, MO 65803
(417) 831-6387
The Kitchen, Inc.’s Fresh Start Program
428 East Blaine Street
Springfield, MO 65803
Call (417) 837-1550 for intake.
Hot meals for families in poverty and the homeless are served by volunteers.
Isabel’s House
2750 West Bennett
Springfield, MO 65802
(417) 865-2273
Friends Against Hunger Springfield, Inc.
PO Box 7108
Springfield, Missouri 65801
Telephone: (417) 773-1639
Everything from a free food pantry to school supplies are offered. Canned goods, meats, rice, formula, soup, and other groceries are served. Referrals are given too.
Crimson House
Address of the pantry is 1616 N Robberson Ave
Springfield, MO
Dial (417) 831-1818
Pleasant Hope R-VI
303 N. Main
Pleasant Hope, MO 65725
The USDA Summer Food Service Program is run from this Greene County non-profit. It can help feed children and teenagers during breaks.
Strafford Senior Center
Address – 201 West Bumgarner
Strafford, Missouri 65757
Phone – (417) 736-9898
The elderly, disabled, and homebound can receive low cost congregate or Meals on Wheels. Other food, recreational activities, and support is for senior citizens.
Apps for helping low income US residents
Food Bank / Food Pantry locations
Affordable subsidized Apartments for Rent
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Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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