Berks County-Pennsylvania-Free Food pantries /Food Banks
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Free Food pantries /Food Banks
Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.
American Red Cross, 701 Centre Ave., Reading, Pennsylvania 19601, 610-375-4383
Can provide assistance, including food, groceries, and meals to victims who have experienced affects of any disaster
Berks County Office of Aging – County Services Center, 633 Court St. – 8th Fl, Reading, PA 19601, phone 610-478-6500
A number of services are offered for area residents who are 60 years of age or older. These include Information and Referral, free or low cost food, home delivered meals, employment services and much more.
Boyertown Area Multi-Services, Inc., 200 W. Spring St, Boyertown, Pennsylvania 19512, phone 610-367-6957
Provides Berks County residents services such as access to a food pantry, Meals on Wheels, energy bill assistance and much more. Income restrictions are in place.
Central Park United Methodist Food Ministry, 138 S. 6th St, Reading, PA 19606, call 610-375-2662
Offers food assistance to the needy.
Department of Public Welfare County Assistance Office, 625 Cherry St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601, dial 610-736-4211
Cash assistance is provided to very low-income individuals/families to help cover expenses such as food, clothing, and even bills like utilities. They also offer state of Pennsylvania Food Stamps in Berks County, which can assist low-income and working poor families/individuals with extra buying power to assist in the purchase of food. Other services include LIHEAP.
Greater Berks Food Bank, 1011 Tuckerton Court, Reading, PA 19605, phone 610-926-5802
They distribute food to local churches, charities, and non-profits, which then provide the items to low income and qualified Berks County families. This center offers referrals to everything from soup kitchens to pantries and Thanksgiving or Christmas meals
Hope Rescue Mission, 6th & Oley Sts., Reading, PA 19601, call 610-375-4224
Kid’s Café at the Greater Berks Food Bank runs a soup kitchen for needy children in the community. Kids can get a nutritionally balanced meal or food.
Opportunity House, 430 N. 2nd St, Reading, PA 19601, 610-374-4696
The Salvation Army, P.O. Box 1099, 301 S. 5th St, Reading, Pennsylvania 19601, phone 610-373-5208
Runs several social service and emergency programs. They include SHARE, which offers emergency assistance for various needs to needy people, ENCORE which provides gently used professional clothing for welfare-to-work program graduates, Kids Kloset provides children with school uniforms, and a food pantry. The non-profit also offers free food, meals, and help around the holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas meals and gifts.
Women Infants & Children (WIC), 501 Washington St., Reading, PA 19601, call 610-373-5545
Educate mothers about healthy eating habits, and offers nutritionally geared service provided to low income mothers needing assistance with the purchase of perishable items including dairy products.
Kennedy House, Address: 532 Spruce St., Reading PA, main phone number is 610-378-1947
Boyertown Area Multi Service, 301 W. Spring St. Boyertown, Pennsylvania 19512, call 610-367-6957
Birdsboro Senior Center, 500 E. 1st St. Birdsboro, PA, dial 610-582-1603
Meals, general guidance, and referral are offered for senior citizens and the elderly of Berks County.
Fairview Mennonite Church, 545 S. 16th St. Reading, Pennsylvania, call 610-372-8826
Grace Hope & Mission, location is 117 N. 9th St. Reading, PA, call 610-372-9353
The charity food pantry has everything from non-perishable items to baby formula, meals for the elderly in Berks County, and other assistance.
Kennedy House, 532 Spruce St. Reading, PA, phone 610-378-1947
MALI Food Pantry/Free Food, 201 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, Pennsylvania 19601, call 610-375-2316
Qualified families and individuals may receive free food, groceries, meals, and other assistance. Also get information on government food assistance programs and resources.
North 8th Street Church of God, North 8th St, Reading PA, call 610-373-1909
Stop by or call the church for meals and/or spiritual guidance.
Rural Opportunities, Inc., 22 N. 9th St., Reading Pennsylvania, call 610-376-6319
South of Penn 55+ Club, 416 S. 7th St., Reading Pennsylvania, dial 610-372-7488
Catholic Charities, 400 Washington St, Suite 100, Reading, Pennsylvania 19606, call 610-376-7144
A number of social services are offered on behalf of the poor and the most vulnerable across Berks County. This can include Holiday food baskets, The Christmas Wish Program, food pantries, Immigration and refugee services, and other free resources.
T.L.C. /In His Name Ministry, 705 Friedensburg Rd., Reading PA, call 610-799-4866
Spring Valley Church of God, 2727 Old Pricetown Rd., Temple PA, call 610-929-7969
St. Ignatius Loyola Church, 2810 St. Albans Dr., Reading Pennsylvania, main number 610-678-3767
An emergency food bank is on site. Volunteers provide a box of groceries, canned goods such as soup, and referrals.
St. James Chapel, 15 S.9th St., Reading Pennsylvania, call 610-375-7537
The church can help the very low income, homeless, and others who are faced with a crisis.
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Food Bank / Food Pantry locations
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