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EBT Card Balance

Our iOS apps : US Benefits Directory , Food Banks Directory , GSA Auctions , Low Cost Apartments Directory,

If you receive benefits on your EBT card, use the contact information below:


State Toll Free Number Website
ALABAMA 800-997-8888 https://www.connectebt.com/
ALASKA 888-997-8111 http://www.ebtedge.com
ARIZONA 888-997-9333 http://www.ebtedge.com
ARKANSAS 800-997-9999 https://www.connectebt.com/
CALIFORNIA 877-328-9677 https://www.ebt.ca.gov/
COLORADO 888-432-4328 http://www.ebtedge.com
CONNECTICUT 888-328-2666 https://www.connectebt.com/
DELAWARE 800-526-9099 https://www.connectebt.com/
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 888-304-9167 http://www.ebtedge.com
FLORIDA 888-356-3281 http://www.ebtedge.com
GEORGIA 888-421-3281 https://www.connectebt.com/
GUAM 866-937-4826 http://www.ebtedge.com
HAWAII 888-328-4292 http://www.ebtedge.com
IDAHO 888-432-4328 http://www.ebtedge.com
ILLINOIS 800-678-5465 http://www.link.illinois.gov
INDIANA 877-768-5098 https://www.connectebt.com/
IOWA 800-359-5802 https://www.connectebt.com/
KANSAS 800-997-6666 http://www.ebtedge.com
KENTUCKY 888-979-9949 http://www.ebtedge.com
LOUISIANA 888-997-1117 https://www.connectebt.com/
MAINE 800-477-7428 https://www.pinetreecard.com/
MARYLAND 800-997-2222 https://www.connectebt.com/
MASSACHUSETTS 800-997-2555 https://www.connectebt.com/
MICHIGAN 888-678-8914 https://www.connectebt.com/
MINNESOTA 888-997-2227 http://www.ebtedge.com
MISSISSIPPI 866-512-5087 https://www.connectebt.com/
Hearing Impaired TTY 877-906-0085
MISSOURI 800-997-7777 http://www.ebtedge.com
MONTANA 866-850-1556 https://www.mybnft.com/
NEBRASKA 877-247-6328 http://www.ebtedge.com
NEVADA 866-281-2443 http://www.ebtedge.com
NEW HAMPSHIRE 888-997-9777 http://www.ebtedge.com
NEW JERSEY 800-997-3333 https://www.connectebt.com/
NEW MEXICO 800-843-8303 http://www.ebtedge.com
NEW YORK 888-328-6399 https://www.connectebt.com/
NORTH CAROLINA 888-622-7328 http://www.ebtedge.com
NORTH DAKOTA 800-630-4655 http://www.ebtedge.com
OHIO 866-386-3071 https://www.connectebt.com/
OKLAHOMA 888-328-6551 https://www.connectebt.com/
OREGON 888-997-4447 http://www.ebtedge.com
PENNSYLVANIA 888-328-7366 https://www.connectebt.com/
PUERTO RICO 877-467-4832 http://www.ebtpr.com
RHODE ISLAND 888-979-9939 http://www.ebtedge.com
SOUTH CAROLINA 800-554-5268 https://www.connectebt.com/
SOUTH DAKOTA 800-604-5099 http://www.ebtedge.com
TENNESSEE 888-997-9444 https://www.connectebt.com/
TEXAS 800-777-7328 http://www.ebtedge.com
UTAH 800-997-4444 https://www.connectebt.com/
VERMONT 800-914-8605 http://www.ebtedge.com
VIRGIN ISLANDS 866-884-2868 http://www.ebtedge.com
VIRGINIA 866-281-2448 https://www.connectebt.com/
Hearing Impaired TTY 800-828-1120
WASHINGTON 888-328-9271 http://www.ebtedge.com
WEST VIRGINIA 866-545-6502 http://www.ebtedge.com
WISCONSIN 877-415-5164 http://www.ebtedge.com
WYOMING 877-290-9401 http://www.ebtedge.com

Apps for helping low income US residents

Food Bank / Food Pantry locations

Affordable subsidized Apartments for Rent

Government Benefits Listings

Ad:Presenting Paid Survey Platform in partnership with Precision Sample.Check your eligibility below or visit http://beracah.info/survey

If you find any of the information provided above is not accurate or if you like to add a new location to the listing above please email beracahsites@gmail.com

Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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