Vermilion and Iroquois County -Illinois- Free Food pantries /Food Banks
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Free Food pantries /Food Banks
Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.
Antioch Food Pantry
311 N. Collett Street
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 442-6802
The pantry at this charity will have free canned, non-perishable foods items (such as rice or cereal) and other goods.
Danville Township
141 N. Walnut Street
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 442-4031
First Presbyterian Church
Address – 100 N. Franklin Street
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 442-0541
Applicants need a referrals to use this food pantry. It can be obtained from Love, Inc., the Vermilion community action agency or DSS.
Holy Family Catholic Church
444 E. Main Street
Danville, Illinois 61832
Phone – (217) 431-5100
Vermilion County residents can use the food pantry one time per month.
Salvation Army of Danville
855 E. Fairchild Street
Danville, Illinois 61832
(217) 442-5911
Free food from a pantry is one service. Other aid includes clothes or school supplies, financial aid for bills, referrals, and Christmas meals and small toys for children. They also have shelter for the cold weather and Meals on Wheels for the homebound.
St. James United Methodist Church
Address: 504 N. Vermilion Street
Danville, Illinois 61832
For hours, call (217) 442-1504
Perishable items such as eggs, meats, fruits, and vegetables may be passed out by volunteers. Children can be fed, and a meal service is for the homeless.
St. Paul’s Catholic Church
1303 N. Walnut Street
Danville, IL 61832
Appointments are needed. Call (217) 442-5313.
Clothes, backpacks for children, boxes of food, and more is available.
The Rock Food Pantry
20 Poland Road
Danville, IL 61834
(217) 443-6219
The food bank can be used at most one time per month. Canned Vegetables, Dried Beans, Baby Formula, and other groceries may be served.
Georgetown Township Food Pantry
Address: 1805 N. Main
Georgetown, Illinois 61846
Phone – (217) 662-8649
Boxes of food may be offered for low income town residents.
Grant Township
525 S. Market Street
Hoopeston, IL 60942-5221
Phone – (217) 283-5221
Town of Potomac
Address is 103 Artesian Ave
Potomac, illinois
Phone number is 217-987-6900
The free food pantry is open on 1st Thursday after the 2nd Wednesday 6:30-7:30 pm. Groceries, baby formula, hygiene and cleaning supplies and other goods may be passed out.
Calvary Baptist Food Pantry
1632 Georgetown Road
Tilton, IL 61833
(217) 446-8427
Senior Brown Bags may have breakfast or lunch. There is also everything from paper goods to perishable food and referrals to other regional non-profits.
Zion Lutheran Church
101 N. Maple Street
Clifton, IL 60927
Main number – (815) 697-2747
Services include free food, personal hygiene items, grooming supplies, and Christmas meals.
God’s Food Pantry – St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Address of food bank – 116 N. Thomas Street
Gilman, Illinois 60938
(815) 265-4133
Martinton Food Pantry
213 Thomas Street
Martinton, Illinois 60951
A soup kitchen for families in poverty is also on site.
Sheldon Area Food Pantry of Iroquois County
Mailing address – 107 N. 4th Street
Sheldon, IL 60966
First United Methodist Church
Location – 301 S. 4th Street
Watseka, IL 60970
(815) 432-4903
Emergency boxes of food are available every other month.
Watseka Area Food Pantry at First United Methodist Church
301 S. 4th St.
Watseka, IL 60970
An appointment is needed. Call 815-432-0122
There is a free Emergency Food Box.
Oakwood Area
Location is 202 S Scott St
Oakwood, IL
Main number is 217-354-4559
Thgis free food bank covers Oakwood, Potomac, Muncie, Fithian, Catlin, and Fairmount.
God’s Little Food Pantry
Address – 425 W. North Street
Watseka, Illinois 60970
Phone (815) 432-1182
Find information on surplus USDA Commodities, summer snacks for children, and other help from the food pantry.
Apps for helping low income US residents
Food Bank / Food Pantry locations
Affordable subsidized Apartments for Rent
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Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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