Senior citizens assistance – Alabama
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Nutrition and Wellness
Elderly Nutrition and Wellness Program – Alabama
Scientific evidence shows good nutrition is essential for healthy living and quality of life. Adequate nutrition is especially important for older adults because of their increased vulnerability to chronic diseases and conditions which may impair their functionality, ability to live at home in the community, and access to food and nutrition. Proper nutrition is an important part of healthy aging and the prevention or delay of chronic diseases and disease-related disabilities
The Elderly Nutrition Program is managed at the state level by a team of Registered Dietitians. In fiscal year 2013, the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) delivered over 4 million meals to eligible seniors across Alabama. Meals and eligibility are coordinated in each county by the local Area Agency on Aging (AAA). In addition, Alabama uses a contract food vendor to plan, prepare, and distribute hot meals and frozen meals to seniors. All meals must comply with the most recent U.S. dietary guidelines, as well as provide a minimum of one-third (1/3) of the dietary reference intakes for older individuals. Meals are purchased with federal and state dollars. Donations are accepted from participants and other individuals. These donations are put back into the meal program to help provide additional meals to more seniors.
Congregate & Home Delivered Meals
Congregate meals provide seniors the opportunity to dine in a community setting at one of over 350 senior centers around the state. Each county in Alabama has a minimum of one senior center delivering a hot lunch meal program Monday through Friday. The healthy meals, social activities, and access to information from the community provide great benefits to seniors. Home- Delivered Meals are provided to an eligible client at the client’s place of residence. The home-delivered meals are either a hot meal delivered daily, or a frozen box of 5 meals delivered weekly by the contract food vendor.
Nutrition Education
The nutrition education program promotes better health by providing accurate and culturally sensitive nutrition, physical fitness, or related health information and instruction. Education for participants and caregivers takes place in groups or individual settings. Written nutrition and health education information is provided quarterly by a registered dietitian for use in the local community senior centers. Many senior centers through their AAA’s, partner with other local licensed health care workers to provide health related information on site.
To Contact Your Local Area Agency On Aging, Please Call:
1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463)
For information on your local senior center and other services call:1-800 AGE LINE(1-800-243-5463)
What is the Elderly Nutrition Program?
The Elderly Nutrition Program provides seniors nutritious meals and the opportunity to be active and build new friendships. A variety of services are provided at local Senior Centers in a social meal setting.In some areas, a meal delivery program is available for homebound seniors who qualify.
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are part of a national initiative put in place by the Administration for Community Living to provide access to information and assistance for older adults, individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. The ADRC acts as a no wrong door for those needing assistance by providing benefits screening, education and options counseling on long term care services and supports. It is also an entry point for professionals, caregivers, and family members to seek resources and assistance on behalf of their clients, friends or family members. All callers are screened for assistance utilizing a universal screening tool that prevents the caller from having to give the information numerous times. Referrals are made on behalf of the individual needing assistance and follow-up is provided for quality assurance. The ADRC will offer extended assistance to those who choose an advocate to assist with application for services and benefits. ADSS strives to support individuals with the tools they need to make informed decisions and maintain their independence in the community of their choice.
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
Support for Family Caregivers (CARES)
Program Administered
The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) established in 2000, provides grants to States and territories, based on their share of senior citizens. This funding allows families to keep their loved ones at home for as long as possible thereby preventing pre-mature nursing home placement. Alabama’s allotment under the Older Americans Act amendment created the Alabama Cares Program which is administered in Alabama under the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) through the 13 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA).
The Alabama Cares Program provides services to assist Caregivers with the duties involved in taking care of their loved ones. Caregivers play a vital role in helping seniors maintain their health and independence. However, even though caregiving is rewarding, it can have a negative impact on the health and well-being of the caregiver. Caregiving has its greatest impact on the emotional health of caregivers. Caregivers of individuals with dementia and stroke survivors are at the highest risk for depression and anxiety disorders. Therefore, the purpose of this program is to assist Caregivers with the issues that may arise from the role of caregiving. The program also allows families to keep their loved ones at home for as long as possible, thereby preventing pre-mature nursing home placement. The National Family Caregiver Support Program offers support for caregivers across the state by providing services through five basic areas.
Services Provided
1. Information Services: A service for caregivers that provides the public and individuals with information on resources and services available within their communities.
2. Caregiver Access Assistance: A service from a trained Cares Coordinator to help caregivers assess needs and access support services
3. Caregiver Education or Counseling: Support provided to caregivers to assist them in making decisions and solving problems relating to their caregiver roles
4. Caregiver Respite: Provided to give caregivers a brief period of relief or break from their caregiving responsibilities. (Only available to Primary and Family/Relative Caregivers)
5. Caregivers Supplemental Services: Services such as meals, assistive technologies, emergency response systems, incontinence supplies are provided to caregivers on a limited basis to complement the care provided by caregivers. (Only available to Primary and Family/Relative Caregivers)
Target Population
Primary Caregivers of frail, older adults age 60 and older and Grandparents aged 55 and older.
Eligibility Criteria for the Cares Program
In order to be eligible for the Alabama Cares Program, an individual must be one of the following
- Primary Caregiver of a frail, adult age 60 and older
- Primary Family Caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a dementia related diagnosis, regardless of their age
- Grandparents or other relatives (not parents) age 55 and older who are the primary caregiver for children age 18 & younger
- Grandparent or other relatives (not parents) age 55 years and older who are the primary caregiver for an adult child 18 to 59 years, with severe disabilities who:
- Lives with the child;
- Is the primary caregiver of the child;
- Has legal relationship to the child, such as legal custody or guardianship, or is raising the child informally
Priority is given to those with the greatest social and economic need and family caregivers providing care and support to persons with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.
Program Impact
FY 2013 Performance Indicators: The Alabama Cares Program through the aging network served the needs of 7,692 Unduplicated Caregivers, provided 150,183 Respite Units, and served 430 Grandparent Caregivers across the state of Alabama.
Program Initiatives
The Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS), in partnership with Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network™ (Alabama Respite), a program of United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville and Tennessee Valley, Inc. (UCP), Alabama Lifespan Respite Coalition (Coalition), and the Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs), is working together to continue building integrated and sustainable Lifespan Respite Programs.
Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network® (Alabama Respite) is a statewide program of United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville and Tennessee Valley, Inc., a 501 (c), whose mission is “to increase access to and availability of high quality respite resources for all caregivers in Alabama.” The Alabama Respite Coalition was appointed by the Governor of Alabama and consists of 32 state agency commissioners, executives, pastors, consumers, and provider organizations. The Coalition’s task is to build partnerships and coordinate respite efforts statewide; preparing Alabama to compete for federal funding through the Lifespan Respite Care Act; providing public awareness about respite to the citizens of Alabama; identifying, coordinating, and developing funding and community resources for respite. Alabama Respite is a high performance program with experienced staff, a proven track record of success in creating, managing, maintaining, and replicating innovative programs, and experienced in collaboration with numerous governmental, faith-based, and community organizations across the state. Each of these factors contributed to the overall success of the program.
To Contact Your Local Area Agency On Aging, Please Call 1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463)
Caregivers Supplemental Services
We can also provide on a limited basis incontinent supplies, minor home modifications, assistive technology, home delivered meals, emergency response alarms, nutritional supplements and transportation.
To contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
Disaster Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness
Each person’s needs and abilities are unique, but every individual can take important steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies and to put plans in place. By evaluating your own personal needs and making an emergency plan, you can be better prepared for any situation. A commitment to planning today will help you be better prepared for any situation. Preparing makes sense.
Seniors and Disasters
Senior citizens are particularly vulnerable during emergency situations – hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, even heat waves. Sixty (60) percent of people who died in Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Katrina were older than 60.
Disasters are not an everyday occurrence in the lives of individuals, especially seniors; however, it takes just one such event to change calm surroundings into chaos. Thankfully there are resources available than can be easily access by seniors such as the American Red Cross, FEMA, police and fire departments, and other first responders who are available to assist before and after a crisis to help bring a sense of normalcy back to everyday lives.
In Alabama, as well as the other states, seniors are also fortunate to have access for disaster assistance through their Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). Individuals at these locations can assist seniors in meeting their planning needs before a disaster occurs, as well as help after a disaster occurs.
To find the location of your local area agency on aging you are encouraged to click on the link for the Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC). ADRC staff will assist not only disaster resources but in screening you for all potential services that you may be eligible to receive such as other long-term support and services.
Safe Centers
Safe Centers continues to serve as places for refuge for seniors during climatic events. During the catastrophic tornadoes of April2011, seniors sought safety in safe centers and/or safe rooms throughout Alabama. Often, these safe centers were the only functioning facilities in some regions. Consult your local Area Agency on Aging for a center near you or call 1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463).
Registering for Post Disaster Services
Applicants must be able to provide FEMA the following information during the registration process:
- •Social Security number
- •Official First and Last name – include middle initials and suffixes
- •Telephone number where the individual can be reached
- •Address of the damaged property
- •Current address
- •Brief description of disaster-related damages and losses
- •Insurance information
- •Bank account information
More information about disasters, preparation, and assistance programs can be found by visiting the FEMA website.
During a disaster, Aging
- Assists county EMA in identifying locations for Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC)
- Identifies staff to assist at DRC
- Reviews press releases for appropriate information
- Develops and post marketing materials needed at each site
To Contact Your Local Area Agency on Aging, Please Call: 1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463).
Elder Abuse
The Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) operates an elder abuse prevention program in conjunction with the Long Term Care Ombudsman program to prevent elder abuse. The Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Bureau of Health Provider Standards (BHPS) within the Alabama Department of Public Health have the responsibility for investigating occurrences and allegations of elder abuse. Any reports of abuse (or suspected abuse) received by ADSS are promptly turned over to the Department of Human Resources and BHPS.
Alabama’s Elder Justice and Advocacy Program is operated by the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS). Through this program, ADSS has the responsibility to empower, protect, and advocate on behalf of the state’s aging population. This program provides education and awareness, to seniors, their caregivers, professionals, and the general public of the rights of elders, elder abuse prevention, and economic security issues.
In collaboration with the Department of Human Resources and the Attorney General’s Office, ADSS established the Alabama Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. Its mission is to strengthen partnerships to protect elders and raise awareness of elder abuse issues through education, advocacy, and outreach.
For more information on the Elder Justice and Advocacy Program:
Phone: 334-242-5743
Toll-Free: 877-425-2243
Reports can be made anonymously
The following departments can be contacted to report abuse
Department of Human Resources – Adult Protective Services
To report Elder Abuse call the Adult Abuse Hotline at 800-458-7214
Alabama Department of Public Health
To report abuse in nursing home call 800-356-9596
To report abuse in an assisted living facility call 800-873-0366
Alabama Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection
To report scams call 800-393-5658
Senior Community Service Employment Program – SCSEP
The Changing Workforce
Over the next decade, the number of Americans age 55 and older will increase by nearly 30% and they will be working well beyond the traditional retirement age. Employers who adapt now to take advantage of the benefits of hiring older workers will have an edge on the competition!
- Age 55 or older
- Unemployed
- Resident of Alabama
Income limits
Family Size Level Income
1 $14,713
2 $19,913
3 $25,113
4 $30,313
5 $35,513
6 $40,713
7 $45,913
8 $51,113
For each additional person add: $5,200
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. Authorized by the Older Americans Act, the program provides training for low-income, unemployed seniors. Participants also have access to employment assistance through American Job Centers.
SCSEP participants gain work experience in a variety of community service activities at non-profit and public facilities, including schools, hospitals, day-care centers, and senior centers. Participants train an average of 20 hours a week. This training serves as a bridge to unsubsidized employment opportunities for participants.
How to apply:
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
Employer Qualifications: a willingness to hire a senior employee.
- no placement fees
- trained pool of candidates
- no training expenses
How to apply:
Contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
Medicare and Insurance Counseling
Do you have questions about your Medicare benefits?
Do you need help understanding your Medicare Summary Notice?
Have your Medicare claims been denied and you don’t know why?
Maybe our SHIP can help!
Through our State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) you can get:
- • Answers to your questions about: Medicare, Medigap, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Long-term care insurance and other health insurance programs for seniors.
- • Information and materials designed to assist Medicare beneficiaries in specific areas such as home health benefits, Medicare claims and appeals and other similar issues.
- • Assistance in understanding your Medicare and other health insurance benefits
- • Referrals to other program or agencies, when appropriate.
- • Group presentations by our SHIP counselors on a variety of health insurance topics
KEPRO is contracted by Medicare as the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization.
They offer information and assistance to providers, and to Medicare recipients and their families, about beneficiary complaints, discharge appeals, and Immediate Advocacy. View their site at
For more information, contact the SHIP in your area by calling your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and
Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) 1-800-Ageline (1-800-243-5463).
The Medicaid Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled (E&D Waiver) Program is designed to provide services to seniors and persons with disabilities whose needs would otherwise require them to live in a nursing home. Our goal is for clients to retain their independence by providing services that allow them to live safely in their own homes for as long as it is appropriate.
Case managers work with clients to develop a care-based plan according to the clients’ medical needs. Depending upon their plan of care, individuals in this program may receive personal care, homemaker, respite, adult day care, companion services, or home-delivered frozen meals.
Personal Choices – Alabama’s Option for Self-Directed Home and Community-Based Services
The Personal Choices program is Alabama’s option for self-directed home and community-based services and is based on a national model of self-direction called the Cash and Counseling program. It is designed to offer seniors and people with disabilities more choice and flexibility in the type of care they receive. Personal Choices fosters independence as participants have greater control over their finances and decisions directly related to their care.
Medicaid HIV/AIDS Waiver
this program is designed to provide services to individuals with a diagnosis of HIV, AIDS, and related illnesses whose needs would otherwise qualify for placement in a long-term care facility.
Alabama Community Transition (ACT)
This program is designed to provide services to individuals with disabilities or long term illnesses, who live in a nursing facility and who desire to transition to the home or community setting. The Plan of Care and Case Management services are based on individual client’s needs. The individual must have been in the nursing facility for 90 days or more and are expected to move into the community within 180 days.
Visit Alabama Medicaid Agency Gateway To Community Living page for more information.
The Technical Assisted Waiver (TAW)
This program is designed to allow adults who are ventilator dependent or who have a tracheostomy and who would otherwise require care in an institutional setting to remain in the community. The Plan of Care and Case Management services are based on individual client’s needs.
for more information contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
View our brochure on E&D Waiver View our brochures on HIV/AIDS
Health Care Fraud
Every day seniors fall victim to health care fraud. Why? Because anybody can be a health care fraud criminal – doctors, health care providers, medical equipment suppliers, telemarketers or your neighbor.
Our Alabama Senior Medicare Patrol program can help you avoid being a victim!
Learn how to…….
- • Protect yourself from Medicare errors, fraud, and abuse.
- • Detect potential errors, fraud, and abuse.
- • Report errors, fraud, and abuse.
Visit for more information or contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
Legal Assistance
Do you need assistance in non-criminal legal matters?
The Legal Assistance Program in Alabama is staffed by lawyers licensed by the State Bar of Alabama and their supervised legal assistants to provide you with no cost representation.
Our program targets people 60 or above in the most social or economic need, low income minorities, or individuals in rural areas.
Our program can assist you with the following……..
• Accessing health and long-term care
• Advanced Directives
• Consumer Issues
• Debt collection
• Elder Abuse Exploitation Fraud
• Guardianship Issues
• Housing
• Income maintenance
• Medicaid
• Medicare
• Powers of Attorney
• Social Security
• Wills
For legal assistance contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463).
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