Senior Prescription Assistance – Alabama
- Listed: August 26, 2018 1:49 pm
- Expires: 97627 days
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Are you struggling to find the money needed to pay for your prescription medications? Do you need help in obtaining prescriptions? Then your local Area Agency on Aging is ready to assist you through the Alabama SenioRx Prescription Assistance program. Since its inception in 2002, the program has saved thousands of Alabamians millions of dollars in medication expenses by providing free or low cost prescription drugs from pharmaceutical manufacturers.
SenioRx is a program for Alabamians who are age 55 and older and for persons with disabilities, who are diagnosed with chronic medical conditions requiring daily medication. The program aims to help people manage their chronic illnesses earlier and prevent more serious health problems later in life.
This medication assistance allows individuals to utilize their limited income for food and other important expenses.
Persons who qualify for SenioRx receive a 3-month supply of prescriptions from various pharmaceutical companies free or at a low cost and can be renewed as long as the person is eligible. To qualify you must be at least 55 years of age with a chronic medical condition, have no prescription drug insurance coverage and must meet certain income guidelines. Social Security disabled individuals, those who have applied for disability, or have a doctor’s declaration of disability, who are in the 24-month Medicare waiting period are also eligible for medication assistance regardless of age.
To receive assistance, contact your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463). Free prescription drugs may be just a phone call away.
SenioRx is a prescription drug assistance program that has helped thousands of Alabamians receive FREE or LOW COST prescription drugs from pharmaceutical companies.
SenioRx Prescription Assistance
Who is Helped
Residents of Alabama who are at least 55 years of age (or disabled at any age) who have a chronic medical condition, no prescription drug coverage and have a household income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level.
Services Provided
Days/Hours of Service
Assistance in finding and applying for pharmaceutical company prescription assistance programs which provide free or low-cost medicines for qualifying individuals (the pharmaceutical companies establish the qualifications). This is the administrative office of SenioRx, a state-sponsored program which is part of the Department of Senior Services. Services are provided by your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA); call for their hours and location or see a map of AAAs on program website
Mailing Address:
Alabama Department of Senior Services
201 Monroe Street RSA Tower Suite 350
PO Box 301851
Montgomery AL 36130
TEL: 800-243-5463
Alternate Phone: 334-242-5743
FAX: 334-242-5594
Languages Spoken:
Program Website
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Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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