Ottawa County-Ohio-Free Food pantries /Food Banks
- Listed: August 8, 2018 1:02 pm
- Expires: 97608 days, 23 hours
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Free Food pantries /Food Banks
Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.
Jerusalem Township Food Pantry
Address is 9501 Jerusalem Road
Curtice, Ohio 43412
Main phone (419) 836-1210
The food pantry is only for residents of the local town.
Grace Lutheran Church
19255 Witty Road
Elmore, OH 43416
For hours, dial (419) 862-3630
Regardless of religion or faith, the food pantry can offer free meals, boxes of food, clothing (including winter attire) and even Meals on Wheels for the homebound.
Christ Community Church
303 West 4th Street
Genoa, Ohio 43430
The food bank has a limited service area as well as hours of operation.
St Thomas More University Parish
Address: 425 Thurstin St
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Phone – (419) 352-7555
Groceries as well as frozen food and more is provided to approved families.
Church of Truth Ministries
745 South Lake Road
Gypsum, OH 43433
(419) 341-7209
A focus is on senior citizens in Wood County. There may be free food boxes for seniors or home delivery of meals. Other aid may be transportation to a doctor appointment or a Christmas meal and companionship.
Seed Faith Missions and Food Pantry
947 South Lake Street
Gypsum, Ohio 43433
(419) 732-2399
B G Christian Food Pantry
541 W Wooster St
Bowling Green, OH
Dial (419) 353-5174
An emergency food bank is on site. Fresh, perishable goods along with Thanksgiving or other holiday meals are served t qualified families.
St Thomas More University Parish
425 Thurstin St
Bowling Green, OH
(419) 352-7555
Food for Thought Toledo as well as Oak Harbor Alliance Chapel
11805 West State Route 105
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449
The charity has a mobile food pantry.
Oak Harbor Alliance Chapel
11805 State Route 105
Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449
Church run Oak Harbor Food Pantry
Address: 165 Toussaint Street
Oak Harbor, OH 43449-1313
Dial (419) 898-0852 for intake.
They also support Ottawa County.
Oak House
Address: 1819 East State Road
Port Clinton, OH 43452
For hours, dial (419) 734-4417
The center focuses on the disabled and people with a mental illness. Food, clothing, job programs, and other support is arranged as needed, including applications to SSI or SNAP food stamps.
United Way
1854 East Perry Street Suite 300
Port Clinton, Ohio 43452
Telephone number is (419) 734-6645
Only referrals are given. Whether it is a government financial aid program, charity run soup kitchen, or school supply program, the United Way may direct families to a resource for their needs.
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Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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Listing ID: 9985b6ae9a46fd28