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Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.

Downtown Rescue Mission – Huntsville
Main address is 1400 Evangel Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35811
Administrative phone number is (256) 536-2441
Many of the programs focus on the homeless in Madison County. This can include a hot meal, shelter, or help in finding transitory housing.

Huntsville Assistance Program South, also known as HAP
Location is 406 1/2 Governors Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
Phone number – (256) 539-2320
Several social services are run by the county program. They range from free or low cost food, meals, and food stamps, up through rent and LIHEAP.

Interfaith Mission Service, Foodline
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
Call (256) 534-2424

Northwest Community Service Organization
The primary address is 3210 Hi Lo Circle Meridian Street
Huntsville, Al 35811
Administrative phone number is (256) 532-1505

Manna House Madison County
Location 2110 South Memorial Parkway
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone number is (256) 503-4848

Mercy Ministries runs a Food Pantry
Primary address is 3301 Westmill Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35805
Call (256) 881-7419
Hot meals are combined with boxes of food. The location may also deliver meals to the elderly in Madison County or have snacks for students.

Operation Stand Down
4440 University Drive
Huntsville, AL 35816
Telephone number is (256) 715-0556

Whitesburg Baptist Church
3911 Pulaski Pike
Huntsville, AL 35810
Administrative phone is (256) 881-0952
Call the church for hours of food distribution.





Good Sheppard United Methodist Church
Address of church is 1418 Old Railroad Bed Road
Madison, AL 35757
Call (256) 232-3331
Volunteers will assist working poor families by offering emergency food and other support.

Inside-out Ministries
Primary address of the pantry is 103 Gin Oaks Court
Madison, Alabama 35758
Primary phone number is (256) 325-5193
Call for information on meals, clothing, Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance programs, gifts, and other assistance like household products too.

Care Center Of Southeastern Madison County
5439 Main Drive
New Hope, Alabama 35760
Food bank number is (256) 723-2273

Carolyn’s Cupboard at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Huntsville, Alabama
Dial 256-539-4901
Supports people of all ages. Food, hygiene items and more may be passed out.

Locust Grove Baptist Church
171 Church Lake Road
New Market, AL 35761
(256) 379-2813 is the administrative number.




Huntsville Assistance Program North
Location is 11588 Pulaski Pike
Toney, Alabama 35773
Telephone number is (256) 828-8788
This agency covers the northern part of the city and region of Huntsville Alabama.

Not only do the pantries offer food and other support, but there are additional charity programs and even government aid, such as WIC vouchers or food stamps. Or seniors can use congregate meal sites in Madison County. Call 256.539.2256 for more information.

Apps for helping low income US residents

Food Bank / Food Pantry locations

Affordable subsidized Apartments for Rent

Government Benefits Listings

If you find any of the information provided above is not accurate or if you like to add a new location to the listing above please email beracahsites@gmail.com

Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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Meals for Kids Program

Summer Meals : There are hundreds of meal sites around USA with free meals for kids and teens ages 1-18. Summer meal programs may serve a combination of lunch, breakfast, supper and morning or afternoon snacks. Some programs also offer learning activities for kids before or after meals. Use the link  below to find a site near you. Summer Meals Map