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Free Food pantries /Food Banks

Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.

Lexington United Methodist Church
Address of food pantry is 631 E Ash
Lexington, OK 73051
Main phone number is (405) 527-3506

Fathers Business
2501 N Janeway
Moore, Oklahoma 73160

First Baptist Church Of Moore
301 NE 27th Street
Moore, OK 73160
Meals are offered for the very low income and homeless, including seniors in the Cleveland County area. Spiritual guidance and other advice and referrals are available too.

Fresh Start Community Church
309 N Eastern
Moore, OK 73160
Dial the church at (405) 794-7313 for hours of food distribution.

Highland Baptist Church
Location – 2425 Se 4th Street
Moore, OK 73160
Telephone number is (405) 794-5432
Everything from Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets to blankets for the homeless may be offered.

Regency Park Baptist Church
Moore, Oklahoma 73160
Call (405) 794-3507
Church supports people with fresh food and groceries, most of which are free.

St Andrew Catholic Church
Moore, OK 73160
Call (405) 799-3334 Ext. 300

Moore Food & Resource Center
Address is 2635 N Shields Boulevard
Moore, OK 73160
For hours, dial (405) 600-3182
The Cleveland County center not only has free groceries, but families in poverty can learn about SNAP food stamps and WIC voucher application sites. There may also be clothes for kids, Christmas meals, and other aid.

St Joseph Catholic Church Society Of St Vincent
Norman, Oklahoma 73071
(405) 701-3693
Volunteers visit the poor, seniors, and disabled. An assessment is done, and based on that free food, Ensure for seniors, and even free infant formula vouchers for new single moms is passed out. The churches also operate Meals on Wheels for the homebound.

First Baptist Church Of Newalla
Address: 6001 S Harrah Road
Newalla, OK 74857
Dial (405) 769-5623
Emergency food boxes, shelter, and other support may be provided. Call for hours.

Skyridge Free Will Baptist Church
Location is 150 S 48th
Noble, Oklahoma 73068
Call the church at (405) 872-3112

Twelve Corners Baptist Church
15601 E Etowah
Noble, OK 73068
Food boxes, Christmas and Holiday meals, and other aid is offered.

Alameda Baptist Church
Address of pantry is 1503 E Alameda Street
Norman, Oklahoma 73071

Alameda Church Of Christ
801 E Alameda
Norman, OK 73071
Primary phone number (405) 321-0788

Little Axe Community Center
Main address 1000 168th Avenue NE
Norman, Oklahoma 73026
(405) 292-9770
The free food bank supports families and kids in Little Axe School district only. There may also be referrals to clothing programs, school supplies, and free USDA lunch applications.

Mission Norman
2525 E Lindsey
Norman, OK 73071
Dial (405) 321-8880
The pantry has emergency food boxes. There may also be personal hygiene supplies, toieteries, paper products, and holiday food boxes passed out by volunteers.

Central Oklahoma Community Action Agency – Norman Branch
1155 E Main
Norman, OK 73071
Phone – (405) 701-2170
A leading non-profit in the region. Not only food is offered, but other programs like LIHEAP, housing, and job training. The non-profit supports all of Cleveland County Oklahoma.

Crosspointe Church
2601 24th Ave Se
Norman, Oklahoma 73071

Hilltop Baptist Church
Primary address: 11710 E Stella Road
Norman, OK 73026
Call (405) 794-0603
Everything from pasta to baby formula, spaghetti and more is offered. Volunteers may also direct clients to free cooking classes in the region or go over coupon programs.

Ttle Axe Community Center
Location of pantry is 1000 168th Avenue NE
Norman, OK 73026

Mcfarlin Memorial United Methodist Church
419 S University Boulevard
Norman, OK 73069
Telephone – (405) 321-3484
Volunteers may also serve Thanksgiving Turkeys and other holiday meals to the needy.

Norman First American United Methodist Church
Address: 1950 Beaumont Drive
Norman, Oklahoma 73071
Call (405) 321-5640

Norman Seventh Day Adventist Church
1818 E Alameda
Norman, OK 73071
(405) 366-7772 is the Main Phone Number.

Salvation Army Of Norman
318 E Hayes
Norman, Oklahoma 73069
Main Phone number is (405) 364-9910
A food pantry, clothing closet, and thrift store are available. Call for referrals, and get help applying for SNAP food stamps, WIC, and other items like diapers.

St Mark Catholic Church
This center is at a confidential address
Norman, OK 73072
(405) 366-8070 Main Phone
There is a food pantry and soup kitchen on site. It feeds the homeless, kids looking for a meal, and people in poverty.

Trinity Baptist Church
Norman, Oklahoma 73069
Main telephone – (405) 321-2000
The church offers meals for seniors and working poor.

Apps for helping low income US residents

Food Bank / Food Pantry locations

Affordable subsidized Apartments for Rent

Government Benefits Listings

If you find any of the information provided above is not accurate or if you like to add a new location to the listing above please email beracahsites@gmail.com

Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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Meals for Kids Program

Summer Meals : There are hundreds of meal sites around USA with free meals for kids and teens ages 1-18. Summer meal programs may serve a combination of lunch, breakfast, supper and morning or afternoon snacks. Some programs also offer learning activities for kids before or after meals. Use the link  below to find a site near you. Summer Meals Map