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Free Food pantries /Food Banks

Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.

Chicago Community Ministry
Address: 6525 N Clark St.
Chicago IL 60626
Phone (773) 761-6688
The pantry services those in the boundaries of Lake – Ridge; Devon – Howard.

St. Ignatius Parish
Food pantry address is 6559 N Glenwood Avenue
Chicago IL 60626
Call (773) 764-5936 x14
Covers the regions of N: Pratt; S: Devon; E: Lake Michigan; W: Western

Howard Area Community Center
7648 N Paulina St
Chicago IL 60626
(773) 262-6622 x271
Serves residents of zip codes of 60626 and 60645. Various social services are offered, including emergency food boxes, groceries, meals, and information on public aid such as food stamps.

A Just Harvest food pantry and Soup Kitchen
7649 N Paulina St
Chicago Illinois 60626
(773) 262-2297

United Church of Rogers Park
1545 W Morse Ave
Chicago IL 60626
(773) 761-2500

Warren Park Produce Program Formerly Rogers Park PM
6601 N Western Ave
Chicago IL 60645
(773) 987-7700
Provides food, produce, and perishable items to all of Cook County.

New Hope United Methodist food pantry
7115 W Hood Ave
Chicago IL 60631
(773) 775-1215
Zip Codes served are 60631, 60646, 60630 and 60656.

Windy City Community Church
6112 N Navarre Ave
Chicago Illinois 60631
(773) 631-9222
Meals are offered for the homeless and very low income. Also learn about local shelters.

Cornerstone Community Outreach
4626 N Clifton Ave
Chicago IL 60640
Call the pantry at (773) 271-8163
Some of what can be offered includes frozen foods, Christmas and Thanksgiving assistance (meals and gifts), work clothing, and more.

North Side Church of God
Location is 5145 N Broadway St.
Chicago IL 60640
Telephone number is (845) 893-8825

American Indian Center
1630 W Wilson Ave
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 275-5871 x12

St. Thomas of Canterbury
Location is 4827 N Kenmore Ave
Chicago Illinois 60640
Call (773) 878-5507
Boundaries served by this pantry are S: 5600 S of Bryn Mawr; E: 1400 E of Clark; N: 4600 N of Wilson and W: 146 W of Marine Dr.

Care For Real
5341 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago Illinois 60640
(773) 769-6182

LCFS: Chicago Uptown Ministries
4720 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 271-3760
Serves the low income and needy in Ravenswood – Lake and Montrose – Byn Mawr with food boxes, canned goods, lunches, and more.

New Seed Pantry
Main location is 4716 N Malden St.
Chicago IL 60640
Call (312) 450-5021

Uptown Food For Families
1011 W Wilson Ave
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 878-4646
This charity is a so called produce mobile.

Our Lady of Lourdes SK soup kitchen
Main address: 4641 N Ashland Ave.
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 561-2141 x205
Hot meals, fresh foods, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, and more are served by volunteers and others.

St. Thomas of Canterbury
4827 N Kenmore Ave
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 878-5507

Preston Bradley Center
Location is 941 W Lawrence Ave 2nd Fl
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 784-6633

Ravenswood Community Services SK c/o All Saints Episcopal Church
1757 W Wilson Ave
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 769-0282
Serves meals and distribute food to all of Cook County. Free items may also be offered, such as gently used clothing, or referrals to social service agencies.

Albany Park Food Pantry
3253 W Wilson Ave
Chicago Illinois 60625
(773) 478-7941

North Park Friendship Center Food Pantry
Locations is 3448 W Foster Ave.
Chicago IL 60625
Telephone number is (773) 267-8395
Boundaries are N: Touhy – S: Lawrence; E: California – W: Pulaski

Care For Real
5341 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago IL 60640
(773) 769-6182
People who live in the area of E: Lake, N: Devon – S: Foster, W: Western Ave , can stop by for aid.

North Shore SDA Church
5220 N California Ave
Chicago IL 60625
Telephone number is (773) 561-0282

Albany Park CC Food Pantry
5101 N Kimball Ave
Chicago Illinois 60625
(773) 509-5657
Residents of Zip Codes of 60625, 60618, 60630, 60641, 60646 and 60659 can stop by the free food bank. Government commodities, food bags, baby formula and more may be distributed.

Lakeview Pantry – West
Main address is 1414 W Oakdale Ave
Chicago Illinois 60657
Dial (773) 404-6333
Boundaries served including the street and neighborhoods of N: Irving Park – S: Fullerton; E: Racine – W: Damen.

Northwest Church of Christ
4602 N Kilbourn Ave
Chicago IL 60630
Dial the pantry at (773) 283-2586 for hours
Zip Code of 60630

Ravenswood Community Services Ravenswood School – Cook County
Location is 4332 N Paulina St
Chicago IL 60613
Call (773) 769-0282

Philipino American SSHRC
Location is 1511 W Irving Park Rd
Chicago IL 60613
Phone (773) 296-4532

St. Mary of The Lake Community Center
Main address is 4220 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago IL 60613
Call (773) 525-8610

Lakeview Pantry
3831 N Broadway St
Chicago IL 60613
(773) 525-1777 x14
Helps people, seniors, and low income families with free food, rice, meals, and more. Limited hours. Boundaries served: W: Racine – E: Lake Shore Dr; N: Irving Park – S: Fullerton

Irving Park Community Food Pantry
3801 N Keeler Ave
Chicago IL 60641
Call (773) 283-6296
Zip Codes: 60641 and 60618
Free meals, meals for students and children, and other programs are offered.

Resurrection Food Pantry of zip codes 60618
3043 N Francisco Ave – Entrance on Side Door
Chicago IL 60618
Telephone number is (773) 478-9705

Common Pantry
Address is 3744 N Damen Ave
Chicago IL 60618
Call (773) 327-0553
Call or stop by for free emergency food distribution. Breads, produce, rices, and government commodities may be distributed.

St. Cyprian Food Pantry
6535 W Irving Park Rd
Chicago IL 60634
(773) 283-9178
Zip Codes are 60634, 60639 and 60707 of Chicago only.

Polish American Association PY
Address of food pantry is 3834 N Cicero Ave
Chicago IL 60641
Dial (773) 282-8206
Zip Code is 60641

Irving Park Food Pantry
4056 N Pulaski Rd
Chicago IL 60641
Main number is (773) 685-7676

Saint Vincent Center Food Pantry
2145 N Halsted St
Chicago IL 60614
(312) 943-6776 x2130
A variety of social services are offered for Zip Codes of 60614, 60657,60654, 60607, 60605 and 60661. Most of it is for basic needs, such as food, clothing, or school supplies. However some limited rent or utility bill funds may be offered from time to time. Also learn where and how to apply for government aid such as LIHEAP or SNAP food stamps from this charity organization.

Another location is at 1010 W Webster Ave., Chicago IL 60614, (773) 327-1113 as well as 3749 W Altgeld St, Chicago IL 60647, (773) 772-5900 x102. This center supports W: Keeler Ave; N: Diversey Ave – S: Armitage Ave; E: Kimball Ave.

New Life Family Services
Call 1665 N Mozart St.
Chicago Illinois 60647
(773) 384-2200
Zip codes served are 60622, 60639, 60651, and 60647

St. Sylvester Parish
2915 W Palmer St.
Chicago Illinois 60647
Call (773) 235-3646

San Lucas Food Pantry
2914 W North Ave – Entrance on Side Door
Chicago Illinois 60647
Main phone number is (773) 227-5747
Zip Codes supported are 60647, 60622 and 60651

St. John UC Food Pantry
2442 W Moffat St
Chicago IL 60647
(773) 772-4161
The food bank supports the needy in N: Armitage Ave; S: North Ave; E: Western Ave; W: California Ave.

Elijahs Pantry
2649 N Francisco Ave
Chicago IL 60647
(773) 772-2045
Neighborhood served is N: Irving Park Rd – S: Fullerton Ave; E: Western Ave – W: Pulaski Rd part of 60618 and 60647

Celestial Vision Food Pantry
3023 W Fullerton Ave.
Chicago IL 60647
(773) 503-7764

Chicago Hope Food Pantry
Main address 2501 N Kedzie Blvd
Chicago IL 60647
Call the pantry at (773) 384-6800 for hours
Region and streets covered are Pulaski Rd; N: Addison – S: Divison St; E: Western Ave – W
Free food, groceries, and more are offered. Seniors may qualify or receive home delivered meals from volunteers.

Humboldt Park: Social Services Soup Kitchen
2120 N Mozart St
Chicago IL 60647
(773) 342-1751
Programs include social services, free breakfasts, lunches, or dinners, and more.

Iglesia Evangelica Emmanuel
5016 W Armitage Ave.
Chicago IL 60639
Call (773) 237-1645

Elam Davies Social Service Center
126 E Chestnut St
Chicago IL 60611
(312) 787-2729 x222
Mostly serves the low income and needy in downtown Chicago. The government non-profit has both a food bank and soup kitchen, as well as applications for needs such as food stamps, TANF, and similar.

South Loop Community Church
1347 S State St
Chicago IL 60605
Call (312) 566-9076
May have food, clothing, household products, and items for other basic needs.

TSA: Chicago Temple
Main address is 1 N Ogden Ave.
Chicago IL 60607
Phone number – (312) 492-6803
Supports families in the zip codes of 60601, 60602, 60603, 60604, 60605, 60606, 60607, 60610, 60611 and 60660.

Pacific Garden Mission
Main address is 1458 S Canal St.
Chicago IL 60607
Call (312) 281-1278

Sunlight of the Spirit
312 N Kedzie Ave.
Chicago IL 60612
(773) 826-1614
A mobile pantry for the needy in Cook County.

First Baptist Congregational
Main address is 1613 W Washington Blvd
Chicago Illinois 60612
Telephone number is (312) 243-8047
The church can provide free food, hot meals, perishable items, and information to the needy. Guidance and support is provided as needed too.

Pilgrim Rest M.B.C.
Primary location is 1901 W Washington Blvd,
Chicago IL 60612
Call (312) 243-7579
Main location is N: Roosevelt; S: Chicago; E: Pulaski; W: Halsted

First Baptist Congregational
Main address is 1613 W Washington Blvd.
Chicago IL 60612
Call (312) 243-8047
Location is W: Homan Ave (3400W); N: Division St (1200N); S: Roosevelt Rd (1200S); E: State St (0W).

Fillmore Christian House
Location is 2918 W Fillmore St.
Chicago IL 60612
Telephone number is (773) 332-8540
Boundaries: Zip Code: 60612

Onward House
Main address is 600 N Leavitt St
Chicago IL 60612
Call (312) 666-6726
Areas served are N: Division St – S: Lake St; E: Kinzie – W: Kedzie as well as zip codes of 60612 and 60622.

Marillac House Food Pantry
2859 W Jackson Blvd
Chicago IL 60612
(773) 584-3244
Residents of the zip codes of 60612, 60624 and 60644 can be supported.

TSA: Midwest Corps Pantry
Address: 20 S Campbell Ave
Chicago IL 60612
(312) 733-4801
Low income families in zips of 60612, 60624, 60644, and 60651 can call this pantry for help. Clothing, food, meals, and referrals may all be available.

Mt. Sinai MBC Food Pantry
Address: 2841 W Washington Blvd
Chicago Illinois 60612
Dial (773) 826-8099 for hours

Greater Holy Temple C.O.G.I.C.
Main address is 246 N California Ave
Chicago IL 60612
Cal the center at (773) 722-9430

The Joshua Ministries PY Walls Memorial
200 S Sacramento Blvd
Chicago IL 60612
(773) 533-2761
Serves the neighborhoods of W: Homan; N: Franklin, S: Roosevelt, and E: California.

Family Focus Lawndale
3517 W Arthington St
Chicago Illinois 60624
(773) 722-5057

New Morning Star MBC Pantry of Cook County
Main location 206-208 S Hamlin Blvd
Chicago IL 60624
Phone (773) 826-3410 for intake
Emergency food boxes, groceries, government surplus commodities, and more. May also have meals for children, formula, and similar items.

Star of David Outreach
133 S Pulaski Rd
Chicago IL 60624
(312) 718-8497
Boundaries served are N: Chicago – S: 16th St; W: Cicero – E: Homan

Breakthrough Urban Ministries Fresh Market
Location 402 N St Louis Ave.
Chicago IL 60624
(773) 346-1785 x278
Tries to ensure families have the nutrition they need. Pantry may have some fresh foods, produce, and more.

Holy Temple Community Church
Main address: 4508 W Harrison St
Chicago IL 60624
(773) 475-7333

Independence SDA Community Pantry
Location is 3808 W Polk St
Chicago Illinois 60624
Phone (773) 826-1447
Some senior assistance is offered. Fresh fruits, vegetables, breads, and more are distributed from the food bank on site.

Care and Share Food Pantry
Address – 4520 W Washington Blvd
Chicago 60624
(773) 626-1972

Primo Center for Women & Child
4241 W Washington Blvd
Chicago IL 60624
Telephone – (773) 722-8333
Zip Codes covered are 60624, 60644, 60651 and 60612

United Baptist Church
4220 W Roosevelt Rd
Chicago IL 60624
(773) 722-4357
60623 and 60624 zip codes are supported.

Keystone Baptist Church
Location is 4035 W Maypole Ave
Chicago IL 60624
(773) 638-7383

Peoples Church of the Harvest
Location is 3570 W 5th Ave
Chicago IL 60624
Telephone number – (773) 533-6877

Breakthrough Urban Ministries
Food bank address – 402 N St Louis Ave
Chicago IL 60624
Call (773) 346-1378

Maypole Avenue Church
4400 W Maypole Ave
Chicago IL 60624
(773) 550-0015
May have hot meals, spiritual guidance, and more for the unemployed, struggling, and homeless.

Friends Of Columbus Park
5701 W Jackson Blvd (Field House)
Chicago IL 60644
Call the pantry at (312) 342-5199

Circle Urban Ministries
Main address is 118 N Central Ave
Chicago IL 60644
Telephone number is (815) 973-6918

St. Martin de Porres
Location is 5112 W Washington Blvd
Chicago Illinois 60644
Call (773) 287-0206
E: Cicero; N: Lake – S: Jackson; W: Central

Hope Organization/Mandell UMC
Address is 5000 W Congress Pkwy
Chicago Illinois 60644
Telephone number is (773) 626-6256
The agency serves Cook County Illinois.

Fraternite Notre Dame SK
Address: 502 N Central Ave.
Chicago IL 60644
(773) 261-0101
Has both a food pantry and soup kitchen. Fresh foods, maybe some clothing, household goods, and more is offered.

St. James Catholic Church Food Pantry
2907 S Wabash Ave
Chicago IL 60616
Main phone number is (312) 842-1919

6th Grace Presbyterian Church
600 E 35th St – Entrance through parking lot
Chicago IL 60616
(312) 225-5300
Helps families who live between W: MLK Drive; N: 35th St – S: 39th St, E: Lake Michigan.

Second Presbyterian Church
1936 S Michigan Ave
Chicago IL 60616
(312) 225-4951
Has food bags for homeless people in the immediate region.

Pilsen Little Village
Location is 2001 S California Ave.
Chicago IL 60608
(773) 927-1228
Provides services in the zip codes of 60608 and 60623

Holy Family Notre Dame Pantry
Address is 1080 W Roosevelt Rd – N Door
Chicago IL 60608
Call (312) 243-6125

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Food Bank / Food Pantry locations

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If you find any of the information provided above is not accurate or if you like to add a new location to the listing above please email beracahsites@gmail.com

Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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Meals for Kids Program

Summer Meals : There are hundreds of meal sites around USA with free meals for kids and teens ages 1-18. Summer meal programs may serve a combination of lunch, breakfast, supper and morning or afternoon snacks. Some programs also offer learning activities for kids before or after meals. Use the link  below to find a site near you. Summer Meals Map