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Free Food pantries /Food Banks

Food banks and free food pantries listed below help families that are facing hunger. The pantries are mostly located at churches and non-profits in the region. Most of the free food pantry locations may have an application process, which usually requires proof of income, residency proof etc. Using donations from the community, and relying on volunteers, the locations may pass out free boxes of food or serve a meal.

Town Of West Hartford Human Services
Address: 50 South Main Street Room 306
West Hartford, Connecticut 06107
Phone number – (860) 561-7561
Various government programs are administered by the town, including a food pantry. Also get information on WIC, food stamps, and government commodity food.

Town Of Avon Social Services
Address: 60 West Main Street
Avon, CT 06001
Dial – (860) 409-4346

Gifts Of Love – Old Avon Village
35 East Main Street
Avon, CT 06001
(860) 676-2323

Town Of Berlin
240 Kensington Road
Berlin, CT 06037
Phone number – (860) 828-7007

Town Of Bloomfield Social And Youth Services
330 Park Avenue 2Nd Floor
Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002
(860) 242-1895
Resources focus on the young. School meals, free groceries, and other social services. May have snacks for students and teenagers when they are out of school.

Bloomfield Food Bank
Full Gospel Foundation Building Ministry Food Pantry
42 East Dudley Town Road
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Telephone – (860) 769-0505

Hope Seventh Day Adventist Church Food Pantry
1052 Blue Hills Avenue
Bloomfield, CT 06002
(860) 243-5208

Mobile Foodshare Sites
Address of main location is 450 Woodland Avenue
Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002-1342
(860) 286-9999
One of the many Hartford mobile food pantries. It visits the community and may pass out hot meals, blankets and more to the homeless and less fortunate.

Mobile Foodshare – (Saint John’s Full Gospel Deliverance Church)
27 Brown Street
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Call – (860) 242-2627

Mobile Foodshare – The Blessed Pantry
739 Terryville Avenue
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone number – (860) 585-9742

The CFC/storehouse
43 Prospect Street
Bristol, CT 06010
Telephone – (860) 589-0662

Meals For The Needy – Zion Lutheran Church
Address: 27 Judd Street
Bristol, Connecticut 06010
(860) 589-7744

Salvation Army – Bristol Corps Community Center
19 Stearns Street
Bristol, Connecticut 06011
Phone: (860) 583-4651
The Salvation Army runs a number of programs, including a food bank, thrift store, clothing closet, and financial help for bills and rent. Free Easter baskets as well as Thanksgiving and Christmas meals may be passed out too.

Town Of Burlington Community Services
Food pantry address – 200 Spielman Highway
Burlington, Connecticut 06013
(860) 673-6789

Trinity Episcopal Church
Collinsville, CT 06022
(860) 693-2024
Members of the parish may receive bags of groceries and fresh fruits.

Friend-To-Friend Food Pantry And Thrift Shop
20 Center Street
East Granby, Connecticut 06026
(860) 653-4371

East Hartford New Testament Church Of God – Helping Hands Food Pantry
Primary location is 91 Tolland Street
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
(860) 528-0195

Town Of East Hartford Social Services
740 Main Street
East Hartford, CT 06108-3114
(860) 291-7226
Call for referrals to pantries as well as information on government assistance such as food stamps or meals for senior citizens.

East Hartford Combined Churches’ Emergency Food Bank, also known as First Congregational Church Of East Hartford Food Pantry
837 Main Street
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
Dial (860) 291-7226 for hours or an appointment.

Mobile Foodshare Sites
740 Main Street
East Hartford, CT 06108-3114
Telephone – (860) 291-7295
Produce, frozen food, Christmas meals, and other foodstuffs provided.

Mobile Foodshare Sites – East Hartford (Health And Social Services – Veterans Terrace)
740 Main Street
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
Phone number – (860) 291-7295

Saint Isaac Jogues Church
Churc location is 71 Cannon Road
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
(860) 528-6749

Saint John’s Episcopal Church
12 Rector Street
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
(860) 290-8301
Offer meals and counseling to members of the parish and community.

Baptist Church Food Pantry – East Hartford
111 Ash Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
Phone number – (860) 290-6696

Saint Isaac Jogues Church Food Pantry
One Community Street
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
Call the food pantry at (860) 291-7226

Saint Mary’s Church Food Pantry
15 Maplewood Avenue
East Hartford, CT 06108
Main number – (860) 291-7226
Meals, clothing, and guidance are all available here.

Saint Rose Church Food Pantry
Location is 33 Church Street
East Hartford, Connecticut 06108
Phone number – (860) 291-7226

South Congregational Church Food Pantry
1301 Forbes Street
East Hartford, CT 06118
Telephone – (860) 291-7226

Enfield Food Shelf
96 Alden Avenue
Enfield, CT 06082
Dial – (860) 741-7321

Saint Patrick’s Church
Church address: 64 Pearl Street
Enfield, Connecticut 06082
Phone number – (860) 745-2411
Winter coats, hot breakfasts and healthy meals may be passed out by volunteers. Please donate if you can.

Town Of Glastonbury – Riverfront Community Center
Address – 300 Welles Street
Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033
(860) 652-7638
A free food bank is on site.

First Church Of Christ Congregational
2183 Main Street
Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033
(860) 286-9999

Farmington Valley VNA – Granby Site
248 Salmon Brook Street
Granby, CT 06035
(860) 653-5514

Bethel Mission AME Church Food Pantry And Clothing Bank
749 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 06112
Phone number – (860) 461-2490
Food, clothing, and household products and items are distributed to the low income, unemployed, and working poor.

Cathedral Of Saint Joseph Food Pantry
140 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, CT 06105
Dial the pantry at (860) 578-1434

Catholic Charities – Archdiocese Of Hartford
Center is at 45 Wadsworth Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
(860) 246-9322
A leading social service agency. Assistance for seniors and children is offered. Resources include a pantry, clothing closet, and maybe information on job counseling.

Community Health Services
500 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 06120-2599
(860) 249-9625

Albany Avenue Family Service Center
1229 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 0611
A wide variety of family assistance programs are offered. Call them for referrals and information on food assistance programs and resources.

Main Street Family Service Center
25 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone number – (860) 560-5786

First Church Of The Living God Food Pantry
70 Whitney Street
Hartford, CT 06105
Church pantry phone number – (860) 232-4461

Glory Chapel Food Pantry
Address: 19 May Street
Hartford, CT 06105
Call the center at – (860) 547-1561

Grace Episcopal Church Food Pantry
55 New Park Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106

A Place Of Grace – Great Commission Community Ministry Food Pantry
753 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Main phone number is (860) 951-0022

House Of Manna, Hands On Hartford
Address is One Buckingham Street. Call the number below or stop by.
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 246-6757

Mitchell House
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 251-6517

Hopewell Baptist Church
Main address is 67 Rockville Street
Hartford, CT 06112
Phone number – (860) 522-4321

Horace Bushnell Children’s Food Pantry At Liberty Christian Center International
23 Vine Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06112
(860) 522-3296 Ext. 18

Jackson Memorial Church Food Pantry
2338 Main Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06120
(860) 728-1080

King’s Chapel Food Pantry
400 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT 06112
Call (860) 728-5777 for hours

Loaves And Fishes Ministries is run from Immanuel Congregational Church
Food center address: 10 Woodland Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06105
Telephone – (860) 524-1730
Free meals, boxed food, breads, and surplus government food is offered for free or low cost.

Mercy Housing And Shelter Corporation – Saint Elizabeth House
118 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone number – (860) 808-2120

Minister Walker Outreach Ministries
1407 Park Street Unit 135-A
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 233-3482 Voice

Cathedral Of Saint Joseph
140 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06105
Phone: (860) 249-8431
Call for information on services for the working poor and low income. Free canned goods, fruits, baby formula and more is passed out to Hartford families.

Charter Oak Health Center
21 Grand Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Main phone number – (860) 550-7500 Ext. 6601
In addition to health advice, offer meals, baby formula, and other help for qualified individuals.

Church Of The Good Shepherd
155 Wyllys Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06106
(860) 525-4289

Marshall Street Site
The food bank is at 10 Marshall Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06105
(860) 522-1419

Windsor Street Site
Pantry address: 555 Windsor Street
Hartford, CT 06120
Phone number – (860) 560-5600

Mount Moriah Baptist Church
222 Barbour Street
Hartford, CT 06120
(860) 527-0245
Emergency food boxes for people in a crisis. Can only use the facility a limited number of times per year.

North End Super Senior Center
80 Coventry Street
Hartford, CT 06112
(860) 548-1980

Saint Augustine’s Church
10 Campfield Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06114
(860) 522-7128

Salvation Army – Hartford North End Corps Worship And Community Center
Address is 100 Nelson Street
Hartford, CT 06120
Call (860) 543-8420 Ext. 102

Sana Apartments
1630 Main Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06120

The Village – Martin Luther King Elementary School
25 Ridgefield Street
Hartford, CT 06112-1835
Telephone – (860) 695-4007

United Methodist Church Of Hartford
571 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, CT 06105
Phone number – (860) 523-5132

Mount Olive Church Ministries Emergency Food Pantry
20 Battles Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06120
(860) 549-3935
This non-profit may be able to help people who have no other options available to them. Bags of groceries, food, breads and more may be passed out.

North United Methodist Church Food Pantry
1205 Albany Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06112
Dial – (860) 525-0573

Northend Church Of Christ Food Pantry
687 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 06112
(860) 525-5463

Our Lady Of Sorrows Food Pantry
16 Greenwood Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Call (860) 233-4424 for hours of food distribution.

Sacred Heart Food Bank – Hartford
49 Winthrop Street
Hartford, CT 06103
Main phone – (860) 527-6459

Saint Augustine’s Church Food Pantry
10 Campfield Avenue
Hartford, CT 06114
(860) 522-7128

Saint Lawrence O’Toole Church Food Pantry
Address: 480 New Britain Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
(860) 522-1129

Saint Michael’s Church Food Pantry
7 Clark Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06120
(860) 522-6184 Voice

Saint Monica’s Church Food Pantry And Soup Kitchen
3575 Main St.
Hartford, Connecticut 06120
(860) 522-7761

Salvation Army – Greater Hartford South End Complex – Human Services Bureau
217 Washington Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone number – (860) 543-8413

Salvation Army – Hartford North End Corps Worship And Community Center
100 Nelson Street
Hartford, CT 06120
Telephone – (860) 543-8420 Ext. 102
The Salvation is always one of the leading non-profit agencies in the nation. They have multiple branches around Hartford County. Call them for access to a free food bank, thrift store, holiday meals and gifts, and case management, among other assistance programs.

Shiloh Baptist Church Soup Kitchen And Food Pantry
350 Albany Avenue
Hartford, CT 06120
(860) 247-3767

Three Angels Adventist Community Service Food Pantry And Soup Kitchen
Main address is 500 Woodland Street
Faith Seventh Day Adventist Church
Hartford, CT 06112
Call (860) 970-7874 for hours.
Hot meals may be served. Meats, soups, and other healthy items are offered.

United Methodist Church Of Hartford Food Pantry
571 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06105
(860) 523-5132

The – Burns School Family Resource Center
195 Putnam Street
Hartford, CT 06106-1328
(860) 236-4511

Walk In The Light Outreach Center
672 Blue Hills Avenue
Hartford, CT 06112
(860) 242-5242

Faith Baptist Church Food Pantry
52 Lake Street
Manchester, Connecticut 06042
Phone number – (860) 951-6758

Manchester Area Conference Of Churches (Macc)
Main location is 466 Main Street
Manchester, CT 06045-3804
(860) 288-4251

Manchester Area Conference Of Churches
466 Main Street
Manchester, Connecticut 06045-3804
(860) 288-4251

Town Of Marlborough Food Bank
3 Wilhenger Drive
Marlborough, CT 06447
Telephone number is (860) 295-6008
Supports residents of the immediate community with public aid include intake for WIC, bags of food, and more.

Calvary Christian Center – Kaleo Food Pantry
265 West Main Street
New Britain, CT 06053
(860) 225-8279
Call for free food, meals, and other aid.

Fountain Of Life Community Church – Lord’s Food Pantry
639 East Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Call the pantry at (860) 229-2083
Groceries, meals, and other forms of assistance are provided.

Cps Properties – Corbin Heights
Address is 56 Patton Drive
New Britain, CT 06053
(860) 612-0100

Cps Properties – Jerome Drive
111 Jerome Drive
New Britain, CT 06053
(860) 612-0100

Housing Authority – Herald Square an Oval Grove
16 Armistice Street
New Britain, Connecticut 06053
Call (860) 225-3534

Saint Ann’s Church
111 North Street
New Britain, CT 06051
Telephone – (860) 225-7625
Offers meals, fresh food, groceries, boxed items, and much more.

Mobile Foodshare
New Beginning Ministries
84 Spring Street 1St Floor
New Britain, CT 06051
Food pantry phone number is (860) 827-1269

New Britain Food And Resource Center
460 Osgood Avenue
New Britain, CT 06053
(860) 827-8402
Call for intake. Referrals, emergency assistance and more is offered for seniors, children, the unemployed and others that are struggling.

Repairing The Breaches Family Services Ministry
469 Osgood Avenue
New Britain, CT 06053
(860) 357-4735

Saint James Baptist Church Food Pantry
15 Wilcox Street
New Britain, CT 06051
(860) 224-7736
The church also has a clothing closet.

Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church Food Pantry
147 West Main Street
New Britain, Connecticut 06052
(860) 225-7634 Voice
May have special holiday programs, gifts for children, meals and more.

Salvation Army – New Britain Corps Community Center
78 Franklin Square
New Britain, CT 06051
Phone number – (860) 225-8491

Spanish Speaking Center
29 Cedar St.
New Britain, CT 06051
(860) 801-6344

Plainville Community Food Pantry And Fuel Bank
54 South Canal Street
Plainville, Connecticut 06062
Telephone – (860) 747-1919
In addition to food items, other support can include clothing, applications for fuel assistance, winter coats, and fresh fruits. Call for intake and hours.

Town Of Southington Community Services
91 Norton Street
Plantsville, CT 06479
Dial – (860) 628-3761

Town Of Simsbury Social Services – Eno Memorial Hall
754 Hopmeadow St.
Simsbury, CT 06070
(860) 658-3283

Giving Back Food Pantry – The Tabernacle
1445 West Street
Southington, Connecticut 06489
Phone number – (860) 276-0400

Jewish Family Services Of Greater Hartford
333 Bloomfield Avenue Suite A
West Hartford, CT 06117
Dial – (860) 236-1927
Will provide help to people regardless of religion. The center will try not to turn anyone away if in fact they need food and are found to be qualified for help.

Jfs Kosher Food Pantry – Congregation Beth Israel
701 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119
Telephone – (860) 233-8215
People of all religions and backgrounds can stop by for meals, food, and support.

Saint Thomas Apostle Church Food Pantry
Main address is 872 Farmington Avenue
West Hartford, Connecticut 06119
Phone number – (860) 233-8269

Social And Youth Services
505 Silas Deane Highway
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone number – (860) 721-2977

Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Food Pantry
371 Wolcott Hill Road
Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109
Telephone – (860) 529-5397

Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church Food Pantry
511 Maple Street
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(860) 563-8286

Town Of Wethersfield Social And Youth Services
Main office address: 505 Silas Deane Highway
Wethersfield, CT 06109-2219
(860) 721-2977
A number of social services are offered.

International Gospel Fellowship Food Pantry
650 Park Avenue
Windsor, CT 06095
(860) 687-1765

Town Of Windsor Social Services
599 Matianuck Avenue
Windsor, Connecticut 06095-3567
Primary phone number – (860) 285-1839
Administer local government, state of Connecticut, and federal government food programs. They also partner with local pantries and food banks.

Windsor Food Bank – Smyrna Missionary Baptist Church Food Pantry
Address: 20L Main Street
Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06096
Phone number – (860) 803-3634

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Food Bank / Food Pantry locations

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Disclaimer: The community resource directory information is deemed accurate and up-to-date, however, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. God-Bless-You
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Meals for Kids Program

Summer Meals : There are hundreds of meal sites around USA with free meals for kids and teens ages 1-18. Summer meal programs may serve a combination of lunch, breakfast, supper and morning or afternoon snacks. Some programs also offer learning activities for kids before or after meals. Use the link  below to find a site near you. Summer Meals Map